Company History
Divine Chemicals Company’s strength and business mission is to provide sustainable, innovative chemistry to our customers with superior biodegradable, environmentally friendly products using the latest technologies and the finest raw materials.
We are Specialty Chemical Company and are committed to bring innovative products to the market. Our product technology keeps the environment clean and enables our customers to make products that enhance daily life of the people around the world. Our innovative chemistry can be found in chemicals for processing leather and textile. At Divine Chemicals Company, we are passionate about the specialty chemical business. Through our new product development and applications laboratories and our technical field-support experts, we operate as an extension of our customer’s research and development efforts. We are committed to produce high performance products at competitive prices and provide better service to the customer.
Our advanced chemistry can be found in Construction, Leather and Textiles application Our brand names Dyisol, Dytan, Dycotan, Dycryltan, Dysytan, Dyfill, Dyifix, Dyimol, Dyisoft, Dyipol, Dyilix and Dyauxl has started building good reputation in the market.. The products under these umbrellas are specifically designed and chemically engineered to suit market and customer’s need.
Proactive product development, cooperative application and technical service support are specifically designed to satisfy any of our customer’s future requirements- whether it is for furniture upholstery leather, shoe upper, bag leather, garment leather, leather goods or any other substrate.